Born to lift
gallery - Cover double-girder gantry crane 20t esse solai Omis

Gantry cranes designed for large prefabricated buildings

Two hundred quintals per hook and only one partner when it comes to lifting and handling systems.

This is Esse Solai, a company that started out as a manufacturer of prefabricated buildings for civil use and is now fully committed to the reinforced and prestressed concrete floor sector. A history of growth in quantity and quality, with OMIS always at the company’s side, to meet all its specific needs, especially oversized ones.The overhead cranes used in the factory have increased in number, size and capacity over time. The latest purchases, based on previous experience that has been more than satisfactory, are two gantry cranes that guarantee the safe performance of every operation. This is mainly due to the efficient master/slave system, where the operator is able to control both systems with just one remote control. Within the framework of the company’s needs, the OMIS solutions do not set limits in terms of capacity and handling: they are cranes created specifically for the sector and its requirements. A winning choice for operability and safety.

gallery - Final banner double-girder overhead crane 6 3t esse solai Omis

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