Born to lift
header - Kit single-girder hoist executive 6 3t 01 Omis
header - Kit double-girder open barrel hoist executive 10t 01 Omis

Kit with all the components needed to assemble an overhead crane.

Sku: KIT

Everything needed to build a bridge crane

OMIS produces complete kits for overhead cranes for small manufacturers or distributors worldwide. Among other benefits provided to these specific users, the kits allow significant savings in transport costs.
What does an OMIS overhead crane kit consist of? It comprises the full set of parts of a crane, excluding only the main girders.

The kit generally includes the end carriages with gear motors and girder connection flanges, lifting units (hoist or open barrel hoist), electrical panel, electrical system including festoons with trolleys and supports, push-button strips and limit switches, construction drawings of crane girders and wiring diagrams. All components are manufactured according to the strictest quality standards and are carefully tested. No detail is overlooked. The user-friendly assembly simplifies installation and mounting, ensuring that all components work. OMIS does not supply the CE.

Wide range
Specific solutions based on standardised components
High efficiency thanks to purchasing all components from a single source
Reduced assembly times
Minimum footprint and optimised shipping
Greater customisation flexibility

products and configurations - Kit single-girder hoist executive 6 3t Omis
products and configurations - Kit single-girder hoist executive 6 3t from the top 01 Omis
products and configurations - Kit double-girder open barrel hoist executive 10t 01 product Omis
products and configurations - Kit double-girder open barrel hoist executive 10t from the top 01 Omis

What the kit comprises

Sliding end carriages

Electrical system

Lifting: Hoists

Lifting: Open barrel hoists

Sliding end carriages

High-quality construction and high-performance sliding

OMIS offers a wide range of end carriages for single- and double- girder overhead cranes, for load capacities up to 60 tonnes and spans up to 32 metres, with the…

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Wide range available
Optimised production
Great strength
Gear motors manufactured in
gallery - Sliding heads 20t detail electrical panel Omis
gallery - Sliding heads 20t Omis
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Electrical system

Guaranteeing quality while controlling energy.

With extreme precision, choosing the world’s best components, OMIS manufactures a wide range of electrical panels of all sizes and for standard and special applications in all manner of fields,…

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Care in manufacturing
Wide range available
Optimised production
Modular design
gallery - Electrical panels small size model 1 Omis
gallery - Electrical panels medium size model 2 Omis
gallery - Electrical panels medium size model 3 Omis
gallery - Electrical panels large size model 4 Omis
gallery - Electrical panels internal details inverter datalogger Omis
gallery - Electrical panels large sizes production internal details Omis
gallery - Electrical panels production wiring Omis
gallery - Electrical panels production test Omis
gallery - Electrical system festoons Omis
Lifting: Hoists

H series, OMIS excellence for your installation

The H series of OMIS electric hoists, with their trolleys and electrical panels, integrate genuine systems designed and built by one of the global leaders in lifting solutions. Each hoist…

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Optimised production
Modular design
Versatile installation
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Lifting: Open barrel hoists

Power, reliability and versatility with the best price/quality ratio

OMIS open barrel hoists are powerful and reliable lifting tools, the mechanical components of which are produced with care in-house and meticulously inspected up to the point of assembly. The…

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Power, reliability and versatility with the best price/quality ratio
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OMIS configurator.

Choose the features of the perfect solution for you.

Select a product and identify version, style and optional extras to configure the OMIS system that best suits your needs.

OMIS Service

Emergency response and scheduled maintenance. Repairs, upgrades, modifications and checks aimed at assessing residual life.