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Case history of the month: Berti Macchine Agricole

Berti Macchine Agricole - Automatic bridge crane integrated in a mobile racking system

OMIS automatic handling systems are a key asset for improving warehouse efficiency and internal logistics. The handling of goods, carefully planned, is tracked at every stage of the production cycle and strategically optimised to store and handle material of all weights and sizes, making the most of the available space.

For over 20 years, Berti Macchine Agricole has chosen OMIS to lift and move their machinery in a safe, reliable and innovative way.

The installation of an automatic overhead crane, combined with a mobile racking system, was a winning choice that allowed the optimisation of space, making picking operations more accurate and error-free. Objects are identified using vision systems, sensors and optical readers that accurately recognise the type and quantity of parts to be moved. The addition of 2 shuttles interconnected to the system allows for strategic and fully automated loading and unloading of material within the departments. A truly “successful” system, with 13 mobile racks, 420 containers and a total capacity of more than 1800 t.

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